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Ernie's House of Whoopass! March 6, 2012
March 6, 2012

Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama... When You're South Of The Mason-Dixon, Who Cares?

Down here in Florida, Taxodium distichum -- also known as the bald-cypress -- is a deciduous conifer that grows on saturated and seasonally inundated soils of the Southeastern and Gulf Coastal Plains of the United states. It is a large tree, reaching 72-125 feet tall and a trunk diameter of 6-9 feet. The bark is gray-brown to red-brown, shallowly vertically fissured, with a stringy texture. Bald-cypress growing on flood-prone sites tend to form buttressed bases, but trees grown on drier sites may lack this feature. Buttressed bases and a strong, intertwined root system allows them to resist very strong winds; even hurricanes rarely overturn them. In 1963 the Bald-cypress was designated the official state tree of Louisiana, and is considered by some to be a symbol of the southern swamps.

FIXED LINK: Old and busted: Christina Hendricks' hacked cellphone photos (new link, thanks Matty!). The new hotness: Olivia Munn's hacked cellphone photos. With editorial comments to her boyfriend, who by the way, I now hate.

Dripping, numb, confident...the results of a successful athletic performance. But not everyone can reign supreme in sports, especially lemon stealing whore. Determination and fearlessness can often lead to aesthetically displeasing injuries, cringing sights to say the least. Whether a limb was stretched beyond its limits, or a look insinuated immense pain, these athletes got caught in memorable, yet painful moments they'd likely want to forget. Let's take a look at the most painful shots in sports, from true injuries to agonizing photos. No guts, no glory.

Ever since the first Harry Potter novel was released almost 15 years ago, children and adults alike have fantasised about visiting its famous boarding school for wizards and witches. But, as these incredible pictures show, they need to dream no longer. Whether you show magic ability or not - fans now have the opportunity to get as close to Hogwarts Castle as they are ever likely to get. This extraordinary model of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is due to go on display for the first time.

Pretending the arms race was anything less than a decades-long confidence scheme is like blaming the laws of economics for Bernie Madoff. One thing your history teachers have right is that it did all start with that "missile gap." When the Soviet Union reportedly developed a significant military superiority, the United States responded with a massive splurge on nuclear weapons and bombers to "close the gap." So how much of a gap was there, actually? You'll notice that America was the first to push their crazy, out-of-control war machine into maximum overdrive. According to the CIA, from 1955 to 1961, U.S. Air Force Intelligence exaggerated Soviet missile and aircraft strength to the point that they were adding more than one zero to their numbers. This led to the production of thousands of heavy bombers, nuclear missiles, a nuclear-powered bomber and even a goddamn flying saucer (the Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar) to try to keep up with an imaginary threat.

A friend in Pie Town NM has a good sense of humor... Greg

Don't know if you are interested or if your local Walmart is ahead of mine, but I was stocking toys last night and the new set-up includes Walking Dead action figures. Ours aren't set up yet, but we may be behind the times. Keep up the good work and awesome site. Paul

Of course six months after I visit, the world's first luxury gun lounge opened in Las Vegas. Guests/mall ninjas can book themed experiences such as testing out the same model guns used by the United States’ SEAL Team Six, make their Call of Duty game a reality, become a Femme Fatale, choose allies in the Mafia Experience, or go back to World War II.

A Day to Remember is an American rock band from Ocala, Florida. Founded in 2003 by guitarist Tom Denny and drummer Bobby Scruggs, the band has released four studio albums, nine singles and eight music videos. They are mainly known for their unusual amalgamation of metalcore and pop punk as a musical style. In the ban'd hit, "Colder than my heart if you can imagine" the lyrics are as follows: "Don't be so quick to blame a friend, When the smoke is cleared, there will be nobody left, "Don't be so sure of yourself" he said, If this was me, you would never know your name, (Never know your name), Heart means everything".

Ernie, I ran across this link about Suisun Bay's ghost fleet on Ernie Street. I googled more images and ran across this article about some guys who snuck on to the ships and camped out for the weekend taking pictures. They did this five times over two years. Its and interesting story with a bunch of cool pictures. I was debating over using the word "snuck" above. After a quick search Conan influenced my decision. Travis

So I tried going to like it says on this guy's shirt, and there's nothing there. WTF!?

Masking tape is a type of pressure sensitive tape made of a thin and easy-to-tear paper, and an easily released pressure sensitive adhesive. It is available in a variety of widths. It is used mainly in painting, to mask off areas that should not be painted. The adhesive is the key element to its usefulness, as it allows the tape to be easily removed without leaving residue or damaging the surface to which it is applied. The tape is available in several strengths, rated on a 1–100 scale based on the strength of the adhesive. Most painting operations will require a tape in the 50 range. Household masking tape is made of an even weaker paper and lower grade adhesive.

9 ways gun owners can lose in the 2012 election

the 50 best very special "very special" episodes (jay leno ftw!)

katherine mcphee's sexy lingerie photoshoot for upcoming gq magazine

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