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Ernie's House of Whoopass! January 17, 2017
January 17, 2017

Okay, So We've Got Metric Shit Ton Of Photo Challenges To Catch Up On.

Started in 1947 as a small metalworking shop that made metal water coolers for blue collar workers, Igloo Products is now a leading ice chest and beverage dispenser manufacturer, perhaps known best for its Playmate brand. The company's first all-plastic ice chest was introduced in 1962. Igloo makes the coolers for personal and industrial use and claims that nearly three in every four US households owns an Igloo cooler. The company's more than 500 products -- including full-size, beverage, and personal coolers -- are sold through more than 250 retailers in the US and abroad.

Now. Challenges. The Main Street Brewerry and Casino was practically a gimmee, since if you can't type a few words into Google, you must be a fucking idiot.

I think your girl is standing on the second floor wooden balcony of Bandstand on the corner of Bourbon Street and St. Louis. She is looking at the Big Easy which is on the opposite corner. Here is a street view trying to get both in the shot. Martov

The green car from Thursday's challenge I didn't submit because it took me about 3 minutes to find it, and didn't want to be the 75th person to send it in to you. Well since no answer was posted I'm going to give a go. The green car is parked in front of 17 Ostwallstrasse ( East Wall Street), Dortmund, Germany. I found it to be easy as Germany is the only EU country with the blue stripe on that side of the license plate. The plate begins with DO, meaning it was issued in the Dortmund Metropolitan area. The privacy laws over there make hard to get a clear view of the store front, but from what I found you can see the bars above the windows and the black stone facade. Dennis

Slumping glass is a highly technical operation that is subject to many variations, both controlled and uncontrolled. When an item is being slumped in a kiln, the mold over which it is being formed -- which can be made of either ceramic, sand or metal -- must be coated with a release agent that will stop the molten glass from sticking to the mold. Such release agents, a typical one being boron nitride, give off toxic fumes when they are first heated and must be used in a ventilated area. Glass slumpers use large steel rods and other metal tools to shape their colored bowls, turning them, sprinkling on small colored glass bits to get the color in stages, and then snip off the stem piece at the end.

THIS ONE IS FOR YOU TIM: Identifying that handgun from Oz was not even hard for this old FFL dealer. It is a Intratec CAT 9. Was not a bad gun for the era, Brian

Hey Big Ern. Long time reader. Love your challenges. But s soon as I saw those beautiful breasts, I knew where that Starbucks is. It's right in my backyard. It is the Original Starbucks In the Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle. Here is where it is. Derek

She's at the Starbucks at 1930 Pike Place, Seattle, WA. Streetside is below. Skip

I wonder if anyone can tell me the name of the store where this lady in white did her shopping?

In road transportation, a yield sign indicates that each driver must prepare to stop if necessary to let a driver on another approach proceed. A driver who stops or slows down to let another vehicle through has yielded the right of way to that vehicle. In contrast, a stop sign requires each driver to stop completely before proceeding, even if no other traffic is present. Particular regulations regarding appearance, installation, and compliance with the signs vary by jurisdiction. The United Kingdom's Road Traffic Act calls for give way signs and road markings at junctions where the give-way rule is to apply. The road marking accompanying the sign consists of a large inverted triangle painted just before the place to give way.

Hey Ernie, The white and orange bottle in the sexy selfie is "Burt's Bees" daily facial cleanser. Congrats on another successful year of LBEH! John

She's using Burt's Bees facial cleanser. Cameron

Hi Ernie, She is using Burt's Bees Brightening Facial Cleanser. Mark

If I'm not mistaken, there's a little Burt's Bees action going on here, too. So anyway, that almost catches us up to date. Tomorrow: the golden spire, going grocery shopping by bus, and the Yelp reviews I've been looking for. And if anyone cares, it looks like the lit up ferris wheel will go unsolved.

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45 year old woman who raped 13 year old boy "with a nice body" gets probation
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Convair B-36 Peacemaker makes low pass over Fort Worth neighborhood
follow me i'm the pilot car. or not.
Living out of a storage locker for 2 months, in style!
Silent Film GIFs Reveal the Special Effects Tricks of Early Cinema
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Girl Thinks Her Tongue Fell Out After Getting Wisdom Teeth Removed
USAF girl circa 2003
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Laina Shendoah at the cherry creek mall
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