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In no particular order, here are some responses to my NYC Mosque post.

I just wanted to thank you for your reasoned and focused take on the whole idiotic NY Mosque issue. As a veteran myself, I just feel too much politics has entered this issue needlessly. Personally, I am worried that if it isn't built, and with the kinds of things being said around this nation about Muslims both foreign and American, Al Qaeda's recruitment numbers will sore. We seem to be falling right into their game (a deep national divide). Anyway, again, thank you for your continued dedication to the armed forces and your thoughtfulness into these kinds of situations. Mark R, Cpl. United States Marine Corps

Kudos to you! My wife & I are NOT muslim, and are both prior svc (Me - Army, Her - USAF) and have been defending the "right to build" issue for a few weeks now. As always, your response was both intelligent & accurate. Thank you!!! Sincerely, Dave D.

I've been gettting so fucking tired of the rhetoric from the GOP about the "ground zero mosque" - I've hear the nonsensical crap-ola coming out of these assholes who claim to represent my party and it makes my blood boil. I say if peaceful muslims wanna build a fucking community center/mosque, LET THEM! And I'm a fucking Jew! Look - if one of the asshole 9-11 fucktwats wants to build a mosque I'd obviously have a problem with it. But that's not the case. Anyway, Cracked is usually great for satire - this time they really fucking nailed it. Enjoy. Scott

With the recent discussions I think this relates. I'm not saying I agree with everything said but it is well spoken and makes interesting comparisons. Thanks for the great site! -Tony

Hi Ernie, Just wanted to throw my support your way on the New York mosque issue. You broke it down so well, I'm wondering why you're not a policy speech writer for the president. His wafflish message is a little convoluted. Alas, people like you and I however are not politicians and are not well versed in double-speak. I heard on the radio that there are already two mosques in the area, that didn't show up on the map. As for you being an infidel, maybe most Americans don't realize that Islam is not monolithic and like Christianity, has many sects and sub-divisions. Therefore, half of Islam thinks the other are infidels and vice-versa! That's why a lot of us are probaby confused when a suicide bomber blows up a mosque. Didn't he just blow up his own shit? No, they were shiites, or wahabbis, or whatever. I think like voting for some guy named Hussein our president, building a mosque near the WTC will confuse the shit out of muslims, especially when they fuck up and we bomb the shit out of them! I'm all for invading Mecca and stealing that big-ass black box and placing it ON ground zero! Make New York the new Mecca (props to "Pitch Black"). Keep up the good work! Charley, Los Angeles

Ern, here is somebody else's take on the mosque at ground zero. Pat Condell is a British stand-up comedian, but this video isn't comic, it's pure truth, and utterly brilliant. Ian

Ernie – love the site. Agree with your pov about 75% of the time, but not on this. So if you can stand one more e-mail about this … “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ….” No constitutional right is absolute. I have the right to bear arms, but I cannot walk down the street with my XD-40 un-concealed. It causes public panic. I have the right to free speech, but not the right to yell “FIRE!” in a crowded movie theater. That causes public panic too. And so it goes with the un-restricted right to freely exercise religion. Ask David Koresh about that. Ask Warren Jeffs too. I am not passing judgment on, nor approving of their brand of religion. I use these merely as examples of the limitations on religious freedom in this country. I believe no group – religious or otherwise – should be afforded the right to assemble in our country for the purposes of overthrowing our government. There are undoubtedly groups within the Muslim faith that wish to do just that. I don’t know if the NY Mosque controversy group falls into that category or not, but its leader has made provocative statements in the past. But, regardless of the group’s intent, this mosque is, at best, poor judgment, and, at worst, a mean-spirited provocation. Just like the people on the street who see my gun and the people in the movie house when I yell “fire”, Americans who lost loved ones when the towers were attacked will be needlessly traumatized by having to walk past a 13 story mosque a mere 500 feet from ground zero. The NY state legislature should pass a law, “no new religious structures within 1 square mile of ground zero”. I could support that law. Let them build their mosque 1.1 miles away. That’s a reasonable compromise. Tony

Dear Ernie, I have decided to write you regarding your site posting on August 16, 2010. I am sure you are getting much response, as this is a sensitive subject. I would like to address not only the subject matter, which is the planned building of a mosque near Ground Zero, but first, some of your comments as well. Like John, my name is also John and I am a longstanding EHOWA member for about ten years. I have contributed material, provided some insight on a few issues, and contributed to LBEH, abused animals, and I like to believe that I am an all around good guy. So I hope you don’t view my email as a “betrayal” or a “crime”, but rather an exchange of views on a particular subject. I do not intend to stop the daily visit to your site, and you can always count on a contribution from me for LBEH, and other causes that I choose to support. I will also try not to launch a personal attack. You seem to have labeled John a racist based on his use of the word “mulatto”, when in fact it is not necessarily a derogatory term much like the word “nigger”, which I seem to remember your take on that a few years back. You often use Wikipedia as a source for information, so I give you their definition, which as you can see, is a term used to describe a person of mixed race. Sure, there are other words to describe persons of mixed race, here in south Louisiana we have many Creoles, which are also of black/white ethnicity, but by no means is it offensive to call them as such. In fact they are a very proud race, and seem to marry and reproduce within their own race as to preserve it. Now, for the term “racist”. I don’t think that someone’s mention of a person’s race as an adjective constitutes him as a racist. If he had said “your black president”, would he have been a racist then? Our president is not black or white, but rather a first-generation offspring of a black person and a white person, or a “mulatto” as defined by Merriam-Webster’s definition. Sure, he is not referred to as a mulatto, but rather an African-American. Though the definition of this term does seem to leave out white people that have also immigrated here from Africa. Racism is many things, and is loosely tossed around to describe anything that someone does not agree with. These days it seems to be more of a tired over-used excuse, or a term used to discredit someone and cast them in a negative light. Racism is not exclusive to whites only, as it is committed by just about all races of people. So does that does make all people racist? Of course not. In many of your postings, you are an equal opportunity offender, done so in the name of comedy or entertainment. This is one of the reasons I enjoy visiting your site daily, as I consider myself open-minded. However, by no means would I consider you a racist, but others may, and have. So I guess this is their choice to do so, just as it is yours. I suppose referring to John as a ”slack jawed redneck” could also be viewed as racist, as redneck is a derogatory term which I would believe to be a white equivalent of nigger. So perhaps, you may have been a little hard on the beaver, aka John. Now on the subject of the planned building of an Islamic mosque near Ground Zero. Like yourself, I'm not particularly delighted about the planned Islamic mosque going up in NYC either. I think most people feel that they should be allowed to build a mosque, just not in that location, because we are talking about post a 9/11 America. While they may indeed have the “right” to do so, I agree with “The Rack” that Ground Zero is hallowed ground and I believe that building this mosque would be a slap in the face of America. I know how much the 9/11 terror attacks affected you, because I vividly remember your posting back then, and your recent reflection on it as well. I remember sharing with you my thoughts on it also, and those feelings still hold true today. Recently, there seems to be a push for social acceptance or tolerance of Islam as “the religion of peace and love” as it has been called by some. If those who wish to build this Ground Zero mosque are sincerely interested in encouraging positive cross-cultural acceptance of post 9/11 Muslims, and to show a moderate and tolerant face of Islam, then why haven't they recognized that the decision to build a mosque at this particular location is doing just the opposite? I’m not saying that all Muslims are terrorists, however all terrorists seem to be Muslims, including the 19 screwhead assholes responsible for the 9/11 terror attacks. Now, your research on the subject of churches, synagogues and mosques in NYC is quite impressive, here is one more fact to add for an informed decision. According to the religious demographics listed in Wikipedia, 76% of Americans consider themselves to be Christian, with Non-Christian religions (including Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism), collectively making up about 4% to 5% of the adult population. Islam particularly, is listed as 0.6% to 1.6%. These numbers would support the graphics showing the number of religious buildings in NYC. Now, let’s assume that we do still have “liberty and justice for all”. If so, why has the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which was the only church destroyed in the 9/11 terror attacks, been denied to rebuild its house of worship by government officials. In conclusion, I think we can agree to disagree on this subject. Like the old saying goes, opinions are like assholes, we all have them and I suppose they would all conceivably stink. Sincerely, John

Hi Ernie, Saw this video thought it might help to clear up some misconceptions your readers have about the "ground zero mosque". I personally disagree with all organized religion (it just causes too much bullshit as is evident in this case) but recognize that places of worship provide a sense of security to many but more importantly contribute to a sense of community that many of our modern cities currently lack. This proposed facility seems to focus on building that sense of community first and act as a place of worship second. Matt

hey Ernie, Long time reader (lurker?) since the 90's I think? I just 1,200.came across this, it is a back and forth between one of my wife's friends husband and some other dude. It seems like a timely topic with your recent posts. I guess the guy's name is Kevin. Dan's wife (my wife's friend) was upset because they actually have had a flag up on their door for some time! Haha! I'll write you again come LBEH time! (I never contributed before because I have been in the Navy since '98 and too damn poor) I just got out and I think I'll be able to send a little in this year. Love the website, and all that. Wes

Ernie, I agree. These folks that have their heads so far up their butts that they can't decide whether the constitution applies as written or as they would like it purely astound me. Facts: 1. The constitution does not read "Freedom of religion EXCEPT MUSLIMS". 2. 51 Park Place is planned to be a Community Center which has is to have a gym, reading room, library, cafeteria. meeting rooms and a prayer room. It is not a Mosque. 3. 51 Park Place is NOT at Ground Zero. As a matter of fact you cannot see it from anywhere in the WTC complex now or then. Even more matter of fact. you would have to walk at least 5 minutes to get from WTC to 51 Park Place. 4. It was acquired through a private sale for $4,000,000 (Dirt cheap by Manhattan standards ). 5. There is a true Mosque closer to the WTC already,,, and it has been there since 1976 with no problems. In my view this is a contrived media "story" being used specifically for party or personal political gain. I hope these folks don't decide that Protestants are undeserving also.... We don't have the organizational skills to put up even a disagreement. Keep up the good work... Stu

Ernie - I have been a conservative most of my life for the simple reason liberals make me sick. I have to say I was completely against the mosque in NY until I read your post and realized you are right. "Equal religious rights for everyone, except you Muslim fucks". Well, that ain't the way America was set up. I have to agree with you that we can't keep them from setting up a mosque on private land no matter how close to the twin towers site. I don't like it, but sometimes one has to swallow a bitter pill to keep America free and running the way it is supposed to. Thanks for setting it straight- Steven

This is what should be standing in Manhattan...... Not a mosque! I usually agree with your views on most of the issues you bring up......Not this time though! I don't disagree with you for religious or political reasons........ I just don't think it's right to build a mosque on the site and using it for celebrating the religious beliefs that brought the towers down.. As for the idiot with the mulatto comment........ Fuck that dirt bag son of a bitch....That being said, Can you disagree with anything President Obama does and not be labeled a racist? Kevin

thanks, I enjoyed your post, and I enjoyed the responses. Mosque or community center, Freedom of religion, freedom of choice, and once we start squandering it? we are fucked. The current political partisan fighting makes me want to puke. the OTHER Charles, calling you a liberal? somewhat funny to me. I've been following your site since the old old logo days with the 3 stick figures. You seem very moderate to me. And this is what we are missing. Moderation, and the willingness to reach across party likes, and get the job done. So till we get the job done, please keep my humors up by posting more tits. Oh, and 5guys opened in San Jose, CA. fucking awesome. thanks Charles

Ernie, You posting those e-mails on your site made me write this. Of course it's a slap in the face for a mosque to be built there. If I wanted to build a church/synagogue/spaghetti monster temple thing in Deerborn Michigan; The same rights should be afforded to me. Capitalism and democracy work pretty well. The freedom of religion is just that. No insult intended, you'll never make everyone happy. I live in Ankara, Turkey. I let more go than you could ever imagine. And my wife's family has no issue with me. Her town in Hatay, Turkey has a collection of churches, synagogues, mosques. Take it at will. Jim.

Hey Ernie, Long time reader, contributor...lbeh...doggies...ect. Anyway. First off I couldn't agree more about Mad Men. I just cant watch that show. On the issue of the mosque near ground zero: You're post really did make sense to me. When I first saw the news story I said the same thing many of other Americans said, "No fucking way", but after reading your views I have to admit you've made me think. Part of me finds its disgusting that the Muslim community would even want to do something like this, yet at the same time your points about freedom was spot on. The part that resonated the most with me had to be "It's about freedom of religion, or in my case, from it." How true. I guess I will have to remain indifferent until I think about this subject a little more. Just wanted to say thanks. As always you never let issues that might have a adverse affect to your site traffic go by without putting your two cents in. I think that is part of what makes ehowa such a great site in the first place. Regards, Sean

Ernie, Mondays post was not a disappointment, nor a surprise. You voted for Obama. Faithful readers would remember this. You’re from the NE, and most folks from up yonder have a tendency to lean left. So fucking what. Your opinion counts the same as mine, precisely dick. Cast your vote, I’ll cast mine. I’m a Christian conservative strict constructionist right wing hard core nutball, but I don’t come here for the fucking politics; I’ve got Townhall for that. I come here for entertainment. Free entertainment, thank you very much. (And the boobs) Can they build the mosque? Yes. Should they? No. it runs counter to what they say they’re about. Proving I’m sensitive by ramming my thoughts up your ass doesn’t make me sensitive. But that’s my opinion. And if I give a shit about getting my opinion out there, I’ll write my congressman or start a blog. If you’re ever in this part of TX, stop by. We can have a beer and I’ll tell you why you’re wrong. Til then, keep on postin. And fuck Charles. Block him so he can’t come back. Regards, Martin

Howdy Ernie, W F Beal III here, sometimes contributor to LBEH and semi-regular reader of EHOWA. While we’re not always on the same page on some matters, Ernie, I know careful analysis and thoughtfully-formed opinions when I see them. I think your piece on the “mosque in Manhattan” was very well done. Congratulations on getting it put together and on detailing your opinion in such a manner. The google maps showing Catholic churches, synagogues, and mosques drives it home very well. So, kudos on work well done and well presented, and by all means, keep up the good work. W F

Ernie, Short and sweet, the debate on this Mosque has been heated and like some folks, I let my emotions cloud the issue. The letter from John was pretty harsh, your reply and foot work (research) made things a lot clearer. It really grinds my ass to admit this but I'd have to agree with the President's comment, freedom is for everyone. I may not be one of his fans but I am one of yours. Well said my friend! Terry

Hey asshole- I had to get good and drunk to write this email. Because otherwise I would’ve just said to myself that your stupid and it wasn’t worth my while to respond. But you kbow how a few rounds will make your heart talk instead of your head, so here goes, Or as The Rack so eloquently asks, "We all know that they have the right to do it, but should they?" To which I would ask, why the fuck shouldn't they? How can a nation that was born from religious persecution say, "Liberty and justice for all. Except you Muslim fuckers. You guys take your shit about ten blocks north of here." And by the way, taking the easy road and catering to the fear and biggotry of the majority? Is a total bullshit cowardly move.” Its not bullshit. It’s not cowardly. Its brazen. It’s inflammatory. It either betrays an incredible degree of insensitivity or an ignorance that I can’t bring myself to believe is in the hearts and minds of the people floating this idea. You’re right- its about whether or not they should. And you know what – THEY SHOULDN’T. It doesn’t mater that they can. It doesn’t matter that they have the right to. It matters that they ignored the reaction they KNEW would result. Do you not see that ? A nation born out of religious persecution – if that’s what you believe we are- should be sensitive to these issues. It should have the courage to stand up and say – “yes, you can do this. We won’t stop you. But we are disappointed that you won’t be swayed by the (perhaps) legitimate emotional reaction that it will trigger”. That reaction is grief. It’s not decidedly anti-Muslim (though for some, it may be perverted into such a statement). I lost no one in the bombing, btw. I am about as liberal as they come. But those who want this building are being cruel. Not wrong. Not illegal. Not outside their rights. Just cruel and insensitive. Lets see things as they are, shall we? Howard

Found this blog site with pictures of places that are equal distance to the planned mosque. While any ground that contains a strip club and an Irish pub is hallowed in my book, I don't think building a mosque nearby would detract from my "worship" there. Karl

Hello Ernie. I am a looooong time reader, contributor and even through the lack of a fucking job contributed to LBEH (proudly, though it wasn't much. Wish I could have afforded more, see below). My long gone email was Our phones STOPPED ringing the day the prick (I will not use the stupid shit name Mulatto this other dick cheese used) won. We were a hearty well fed and long checked business moving big ass freight across the continent. Sent you pics before sir. Check it out. You have never really pissed me off. I did not and still do not agree with your views about Mr. Obama's view about a Mosque in the shadow of ground zero in New York. Oh, yeah, he crawfished when people started slapping him upside the head and then said it wasn't religion, it was about the wisdom of where it should be built. I do have to ask you sir. How many times have you heard ( I know you are a bitch on hearsay) and actually seen those peace loving Muslims CHEERING as the twin towers fell? I know not all Muslims are bad. Do you see a Baptist or Catholic or Presbyterian wanting to build a church in the ashes of the people who were so callously murdered by cowards with so many of the same behind them cheering them on? Build your Mosque on the banks of Hudson River. Build it in Baghdad. Build the damn thing on the steps of the UN but NOT ON HALLOWED GROUND. I wouldn't even consider asking to do it. Why should we stoop, again, to Muslims? Sorry, just pissed dude. The general American population was founded on freedoms. Religion, right to bear arms and so on. BUT. We also have the freedom to reject bullshit and should always have that right just as this is and every damned red blooded American should. I am NOT a racist. Flame me, call me on it what ever you like. I have life time friends that are Mexican, black, Muslim, American Indian, Oriental and so on. An I damn well have TWO American flags in my yard. I realize ole' John boy there was venting and not in the right manner. Maybe I'm not either. But life's a bitch when the people that hate America and Americans keep getting closer to your front yard. And it's damn scarey when one's in the White House. Love your site and what you do and DAMN sure nothing personal. Just , again, pissed off. Take care, Kurt

Ernie, Longtime contributor longtime giver to lbeh. I am writing to give you my thoughts on your post today. I am in the Navy so I make it a point to not talk about my commander-in-chief, but in this case I will make an exception. No matter my feelings on the president (no matter who it is) I support him. Because it is my job to do so. If asks anything of me I will do it. Without question without second guessing. I respect the man in the position. I will not talk down about him but mostly say “He is doing what he thinks is right which is why he was voted for.” I did not vote for him mainly because of his lack of experience in government. I thought he was making too many promises he would not be able to fulfill. From my point of view I believe I was right. Guantanamo Bay is not closed. As soon as that happened I knew no other country would step up and take any of the prisoners despite their cries of you have to close that base. I don’t agree with your decision to vote for him but its your right to do so and one you helped defend. Also over the many years (at least 9 or 10) that I have been visiting your site I have noticed that you are not one to make a major decision lightly so I am more apt to respect your decision than the moron who can’t explain the policies for the guy he voted for no matter the political party. I think the main problem today is the democrats hate the republicans and vice versa and I am sick of hearing people say “so and so party is fucking everyone” while the people that are fucking us (both parties) are fucking everyone by not sitting down and making a mutually beneficial decision for everyone and just sitting around do a bunch of finger pointing. While I think your friend John is wrong in many aspects I do thinkhe is right in one. The Japanese wouldn’t come over and build a monument in Pearl Harbor for their dead pilots just as we wouldn’t go to Nagasaki or Hiroshima and build a monument to our own soldiers. Your comment on how many blocks away should it be or how much time should go by before they can do something. It is not a question of that I feel it just shouldn’t be done. While we as Americans get all hot and bothered on subjects we do have one slight problem: we have short attention spans. More than half the people that clucked their tongues at Haiti and gave money have no idea what’s going on there now nor do they care. When 9-11 happened people had American flags galore. Now look around. Barely anyone. To quote Tommy Lee Jones in Men in Black: “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.” I think putting a Mosque there would put those in danger that would attend. People would forget about it people would move on but all it would take is any incident to fan flames. I just wouldn’t end well for anyone. V/R, Mike

Dear Ernie, I have been enjoying your web site on a daily bases for at least five years now and i also contribute to LBEH. For the love of god man! What a long winded post you put up today. Did that guys email push your button that hard? It did not seem that offensive. Does he have to be a racist if he does not like Obama? That has been a sticking point with me since the election I live out side of Atlanta here popular opinion went this way. You could vote for Obama are be a racist and vote for McCain. I personally am not going to let someones name calling influence my decision. In 2008 i thought Obama did not have enough experience to be President and i believe he has proven that several times over. It really does not bother me if they put a Mosque near ground zero it will not influence how I remember 9/11. I believe in freedom of religion even though personally i am a Atheist and in most Muslim countries they would prefer to behead me as than look at me but i believe they have the right to practice their religion in peace. I have never really felt embarrassed by something one of our Presidents did but when Obama brought the President of Mexico to the White House and stood up there and agreed with all the hypocritical stuff he said i never felt so ashamed in my life to be a American. Immigration is another subject but take care talk at you later. Sincerely, John

Hey man, Your post today reminded me of an argument I had over the weekend about this whole mosque issue. I'm on the same side as you and this was my ammunition: Not all Muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslim. I then went on to explain how the OKC bombing was an act of terrorism against our government and the terrorist was a white Christian male. I asked my moronic friend if he would have been outraged by a Church of Christ being built next to the bomb site. I pointed out that the terrorist claimed the government was a threat to freedom, wanted to take away his right to own a gun and was trying to turn America into a Socialist country (all of which are things I've heard my friend regurgitate from Glenn Beck several times about the Obama Administration). I asked if any of this sounded familiar and if we should run people who share those views out of the country. He didn't really have much of a response. Just thought you might find it interesting. Thanks for the laughs, Cody

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